Wednesday, December 19, 2012

smatData's EMR Software Allows You Manage Patient-Data Effortlessly

Are you a health practitioner in the USA?

If yes then you must get a HL7 certified EMR software.

HL7 is an international community that creates standards for the exchange, management and integration of electronic healthcare information. With the introduction of the ARRA and HITECH acts by the US government, the HL7 standards have gained a lot of importance.

It has been made mandatory for all health facilities to convert their patient records into electronic format, which technically known as Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). This makes it necessary for every clinic, hospital or say every doctor to have an EMR system, accredited according the HL7 standards, to manage all the patient information.

The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) of the USA has developed an open-source program called Laika to test and certify the HIT products such as EHR software for compliance with HL7 standards.

The key purposes of the HL7 standards are:

1. Health information exchange between a doctor's cabin, lab, and hospital
2. Streamlining patient care
3. Reduction of errors during treatment

Implementing an EMR software with a physician’s work process is a complex task. Often, the in-house health administrators do not have the expertise to manage the technicalities involved. So it is recommended to strive for an EMR software that can help you optimize your patient details. Such EMR software creates an integrated technology framework that lets the doctor or any healthcare practitioner to electronically share information with the hospital and the lab.

An EMR interface must comply with the HL7 standards; moreover, it should be user-friendly and should get easily integrated with different hardware and software systems. Hence today, several IT firms and software developers are engaged in providing EMR software to manage the patient data.

The HL7 compliant EMR software by smartData, a renowned software solutions provider in India going for an HL7 Certification, serves as an easy to use interface that allows you manage all your patient data effortlessly. smartData offers comprehensive, user-oriented, affordable and integrated software solutions.

So, leave all your EMR worries with smartData and concentrate on treating your patients well!

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Effective smartData Software Solutions Help you Qualify ARRA Incentives

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, abbreviated as ARRA, have been enacted by the American government to help the nation's economy recover from a decade-long recession. ARRA provides various economic stimulus packages to promote investments in American goods, technologies and to save and create jobs.

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act is an integral part of ARRA that concentrates on Healthcare Information Technology (HIT). In case of HIT, technology represents computers and communication derives that can be networked into a system for storing and moving health related information. The goal of the HITECH act is adoption and 'meaningful use' of Electronic Health Records (EHR) by the healthcare providers to achieve significant improvements in healthcare.

The HITECH act promises incentives for those health practitioners who adopt and use ‘Certified EHRs’. Doctors who fail to adopt an EHR by 2015 will be penalized 1% of Medicare payments that will increase up to 3% over the next three years.

By the meaningful use of EHRs, the US government intends to improve healthcare coordination by reducing healthcare disparities as well as engaging patients and their families in healthcare to maintain privacy and security.

The Meaningful Use of EHR means, the use of a certified EHR:

1. Software such as e-prescribing
2. For effective exchange of health information to improve the quality of healthcare
3. To submit clinical/medical attributes and other measures

Nowadays, various IT companies are developing software and result-oriented solutions to help doctors and other healthcare practitioners to successfully implement the government's ARRA act. In tandem with this, smartData is one such company that renders user-friendly software and EHR solutions, which assist you to effectively adopt the healthcare policies. Moreover, software solutions by smartData also help you qualify for receiving the ARRA incentives.

smartData one of the leading IT firm, specializes in software development and internet marketing. It has gained a worldwide reputation by rendering its clients with flawless, customer oriented solutions.

So, achieve significant improvements in healthcare sector by successfully implementing the ARRA act!!

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at