The internet world was again slammed by the new arrival - the ‘Google EMD algorithm update’. It was Friday, September 28th of 2012 when this monster hit the internet world hard. It has likely affected 0.6 % of English searches.
Head of Webspam at Google, Matt Cutts’ tweets offered the sneak peek of this algorithm update which said:
“Small upcoming Google algo change will reduce low-quality “exact-match” domains in search results.”
“New exact-match domain (EMD) algo affects 0.6% of English-US queries to a noticeable degree. Unrelated to Panda/Penguin Updates.”
Exact match domains (EMD) mean domains or Url's that match exactly to the searched query i.e. the keyword. The EMD update, is a tool to filter the low-quality websites from rising high in Google search results only because their domain names match the search terms. It actually aims to target the low quality sites that may be ranking only on the basis of exact matching.
Google is NOT exactly punishing EMD sites as actually many NON-EMD sites have got blasted. It is punishing a “type” of site that aims to abuse the EMD bonus or other on page factors. The truth is that this is just another addition of the Penguin over SEO update. This new update is an improvement on the last penguin updates, wherein it will also take the domain name into consideration. Google now has trained Mr. Penguin to look at the domain name as well.
Similar to previous Google updates like Panda, and Penguin even EMD algorithm will be updated periodically. So those who got hit by EMD this time may escape from the next EMD update, while others who did not get hit this time around could get caught up in the near future.
There's no escape from the Google EMD algorithm!!!
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