CakePHP is an open source rapidly developing web application framework for PHP. It uses most commonly known design patterns such as MVC, ActiveRecord, Front Controller and Association Data Mapping, etc. To offer structured framework to the PHP users at each level in order to develop robust web applications quickly with utmost flexibility is the key objective of this technology.
It has begun in the year 2005 and is being used by many blogs and websites. It uses numerous concepts of Ruby on Rails programming language though it is not at all the port of Ruby on Rails to PHP.A conference on CakePHP named ‘CakeFest’ has been organized yearly. The Cake Software Foundation operates this annual Conference, which initially was held as a bi-annual program.
It’s an MVC-based framework
Each aspect of a web application, right from the initial user request to the final rendering of a web page can be handled through the CakePHP framework. It follows the principles of MVC (Model, View, Controller), and allows easy customization and extension of most of the aspects of your application. Moreover, just by keeping the whole application consistent and logical you can have a basic organizational structure through this, be it filenames or database table names.
Along with Model, View, Controller; CakePHP also features Component, Behavior and Helper classes.
- First of all controllers. They contain the logic of application. Each controller can offer different functionality, retrieve and modify data by accessing database tables through models, register variables and objects, which can be used in views.Models
- Models provide the active representations of database tables. They are used in CakePHP applications for various data access purposes. Models can get connected to your database, query it if they are instructed by a controller to do so, and save data to the database.Views
- Template files, which present their content to the user, are Views. The variables, arrays along with any other object used in views are registered through a controller. Views should contain only the elementary control structures that are required to perform particular operations, but should not contain complex business logic.Helpers
- Helpers represent stuffs such as classes for the presentation layer of your application that cover presentational logic shared between a number of views, elements or layouts. To make use of helpers, the CakePHP framework requires a controller.Behaviours
- Model behaviours help to separate a logic that probably may not be related directly to a model but might be there, and may attach functionality to the models by defining a simple class variable.Components
- Components represent packages of logic pooled between the controllers. There is a set of core components in CakePHP which can be used to aid in the components like -•Security
•Access control lists
•Request handling
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