Wednesday, December 19, 2012

smatData's EMR Software Allows You Manage Patient-Data Effortlessly

Are you a health practitioner in the USA?

If yes then you must get a HL7 certified EMR software.

HL7 is an international community that creates standards for the exchange, management and integration of electronic healthcare information. With the introduction of the ARRA and HITECH acts by the US government, the HL7 standards have gained a lot of importance.

It has been made mandatory for all health facilities to convert their patient records into electronic format, which technically known as Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). This makes it necessary for every clinic, hospital or say every doctor to have an EMR system, accredited according the HL7 standards, to manage all the patient information.

The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology (CCHIT) of the USA has developed an open-source program called Laika to test and certify the HIT products such as EHR software for compliance with HL7 standards.

The key purposes of the HL7 standards are:

1. Health information exchange between a doctor's cabin, lab, and hospital
2. Streamlining patient care
3. Reduction of errors during treatment

Implementing an EMR software with a physician’s work process is a complex task. Often, the in-house health administrators do not have the expertise to manage the technicalities involved. So it is recommended to strive for an EMR software that can help you optimize your patient details. Such EMR software creates an integrated technology framework that lets the doctor or any healthcare practitioner to electronically share information with the hospital and the lab.

An EMR interface must comply with the HL7 standards; moreover, it should be user-friendly and should get easily integrated with different hardware and software systems. Hence today, several IT firms and software developers are engaged in providing EMR software to manage the patient data.

The HL7 compliant EMR software by smartData, a renowned software solutions provider in India going for an HL7 Certification, serves as an easy to use interface that allows you manage all your patient data effortlessly. smartData offers comprehensive, user-oriented, affordable and integrated software solutions.

So, leave all your EMR worries with smartData and concentrate on treating your patients well!

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Effective smartData Software Solutions Help you Qualify ARRA Incentives

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, abbreviated as ARRA, have been enacted by the American government to help the nation's economy recover from a decade-long recession. ARRA provides various economic stimulus packages to promote investments in American goods, technologies and to save and create jobs.

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act is an integral part of ARRA that concentrates on Healthcare Information Technology (HIT). In case of HIT, technology represents computers and communication derives that can be networked into a system for storing and moving health related information. The goal of the HITECH act is adoption and 'meaningful use' of Electronic Health Records (EHR) by the healthcare providers to achieve significant improvements in healthcare.

The HITECH act promises incentives for those health practitioners who adopt and use ‘Certified EHRs’. Doctors who fail to adopt an EHR by 2015 will be penalized 1% of Medicare payments that will increase up to 3% over the next three years.

By the meaningful use of EHRs, the US government intends to improve healthcare coordination by reducing healthcare disparities as well as engaging patients and their families in healthcare to maintain privacy and security.

The Meaningful Use of EHR means, the use of a certified EHR:

1. Software such as e-prescribing
2. For effective exchange of health information to improve the quality of healthcare
3. To submit clinical/medical attributes and other measures

Nowadays, various IT companies are developing software and result-oriented solutions to help doctors and other healthcare practitioners to successfully implement the government's ARRA act. In tandem with this, smartData is one such company that renders user-friendly software and EHR solutions, which assist you to effectively adopt the healthcare policies. Moreover, software solutions by smartData also help you qualify for receiving the ARRA incentives.

smartData one of the leading IT firm, specializes in software development and internet marketing. It has gained a worldwide reputation by rendering its clients with flawless, customer oriented solutions.

So, achieve significant improvements in healthcare sector by successfully implementing the ARRA act!!

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Google EMD Algorithm Update: Recovery Possible!

The recently announced Google EMD Algorithm Update has banged the world of web. Thus, a lot of webmasters have started looking for ideas on how to overcome this. In the case of EMD algorithm update the actual impact is on low quality sites with exact match domains. Low quality sites particularly mean websites housing low quality content as according to Matt Cutts, if good content quality is maintained, the EMD update will not hit the site.

A great deal of sites with exact match domains lost the traffic they were acquiring from exact match keywords just due to the low quality content they were comprising. The EMD update actually aims to target the low quality content sites that may be ranking only on the basis of exact domain matching.

Here are a few suggestions which will prove helpful to reduce the impact of the EMD algorithm update and perhaps try to recover from the traffic loss:

Update the content more often:

Rarely updated sites were significantly affected and those that were updated regularly were least affected by EMD update. Thus, add fresh content more regularly.

Don't just depend on domain name to bring traffic:

Earlier, getting an exact match domain itself guaranteed success. After the Google EMD change an EMD is no longer an assurance to fetch traffic. Maintaining high quality content is a must. Don't just expect traffic because you have a great domain.

Analyze your content and check the quality:

Carefully analyze your content and check what made Google think your site is a low quality site. Remove all low quality content that was made to cheat Google. Make sure you provide only relevant information about the specific topics you are focusing on.

Compare with the competitors and learn from them:

Do a search engine ranking comparison against your competitors. If their rankings are better than your site, then analyze their sites very well and find what are they doing better.

Now quality is the key and it has been cleared that the EMD update is targeting only low quality content and not all sites that have exact match domains!

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

You Got Informs on Google EMD Update?

The internet world was again slammed by the new arrival - the ‘Google EMD algorithm update’. It was Friday, September 28th of 2012 when this monster hit the internet world hard. It has likely affected 0.6 % of English searches.

Head of Webspam at Google, Matt Cutts’ tweets offered the sneak peek of this algorithm update which said:

“Small upcoming Google algo change will reduce low-quality “exact-match” domains in search results.”

“New exact-match domain (EMD) algo affects 0.6% of English-US queries to a noticeable degree. Unrelated to Panda/Penguin Updates.”

Exact match domains (EMD) mean domains or Url's that match exactly to the searched query i.e. the keyword. The EMD update, is a tool to filter the low-quality websites from rising high in Google search results only because their domain names match the search terms. It actually aims to target the low quality sites that may be ranking only on the basis of exact matching.

Google is NOT exactly punishing EMD sites as actually many NON-EMD sites have got blasted. It is punishing a “type” of site that aims to abuse the EMD bonus or other on page factors. The truth is that this is just another addition of the Penguin over SEO update. This new update is an improvement on the last penguin updates, wherein it will also take the domain name into consideration. Google now has trained Mr. Penguin to look at the domain name as well.

Similar to previous Google updates like Panda, and Penguin even EMD algorithm will be updated periodically. So those who got hit by EMD this time may escape from the next EMD update, while others who did not get hit this time around could get caught up in the near future.

There's no escape from the Google EMD algorithm!!!

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Monday, August 6, 2012

CakePHP Offers Structured Framework to PHP users

CakePHP is an open source rapidly developing web application framework for PHP. It uses most commonly known design patterns such as MVC, ActiveRecord, Front Controller and Association Data Mapping, etc. To offer structured framework to the PHP users at each level in order to develop robust web applications quickly with utmost flexibility is the key objective of this technology.

It has begun in the year 2005 and is being used by many blogs and websites. It uses numerous concepts of Ruby on Rails programming language though it is not at all the port of Ruby on Rails to PHP.

A conference on CakePHP named ‘CakeFest’ has been organized yearly. The Cake Software Foundation operates this annual Conference, which initially was held as a bi-annual program.

It’s an MVC-based framework

Each aspect of a web application, right from the initial user request to the final rendering of a web page can be handled through the CakePHP framework. It follows the principles of MVC (Model, View, Controller), and allows easy customization and extension of most of the aspects of your application. Moreover, just by keeping the whole application consistent and logical you can have a basic organizational structure through this, be it filenames or database table names.

Along with Model, View, Controller; CakePHP also features Component, Behavior and Helper classes.


- First of all controllers. They contain the logic of application. Each controller can offer different functionality, retrieve and modify data by accessing database tables through models, register variables and objects, which can be used in views.


- Models provide the active representations of database tables. They are used in CakePHP applications for various data access purposes. Models can get connected to your database, query it if they are instructed by a controller to do so, and save data to the database.


- Template files, which present their content to the user, are Views. The variables, arrays along with any other object used in views are registered through a controller. Views should contain only the elementary control structures that are required to perform particular operations, but should not contain complex business logic.


- Helpers represent stuffs such as classes for the presentation layer of your application that cover presentational logic shared between a number of views, elements or layouts. To make use of helpers, the CakePHP framework requires a controller.


- Model behaviours help to separate a logic that probably may not be related directly to a model but might be there, and may attach functionality to the models by defining a simple class variable.


- Components represent packages of logic pooled between the controllers. There is a set of core components in CakePHP which can be used to aid in the components like -



•Access control lists




•Request handling

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Are You Aware of HIPAA Regulations?

HIPAA- “The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act” of US was enacted on 21st August 1996 in order to revamp the health care and health insurance sectors of the nation. This act protects the health insurance cover of employees, individuals, workers, businessmen, their families and people from all walks of life. An insurance holder gets fair control over his or her personal medical information along with maintaining its confidentiality and hence avoiding its misuse. Under this act, the health insurance cover of an employee remains protected even if the he or she switches or changes the job. Moreover, HIPAA also covers your pre-existing medical conditions in case if you change your company. Hence, employees can easily change their jobs without worrying for health insurance.

So, as per the law, it is essential for health care and insurance providers to protect each and every medical record of their client. This is where the application of EMR (Electronic medical record) and EHR (Electronic Health Record) software found to be extremely useful. These software are used by health professionals and health insurance companies to maintain the medical records of the individual. There are many advantages of these applications. First of all, it reduces the hassle of paper work, documentation time, medical errors and of course the staff volume.

The EMR software is especially meant for doctors or clinicians to store and maintain clinical records of their patients. The EMR application simplifies various types of medical processes in hospitals and reduces the risk of errors too. Moreover, it assures the safety of every patient's medical record, as the information is accessed only after re-login to EMR. Hence, under the HIPAA, the doctors can secure all medical records of their patients.

The EHR applications are generally used by health care insurance companies to store abstract, financially more focused information. The EMR software is data source for EHR. The data in EMR software about particular patient can be accessed by patients, health care providers, payers or insurers through EHR software. Thus, both software are equally important for health care industry, as a whole, as they provide efficient solutions for all simple and complicated health care processes.

Today, you can find countless software companies, working on EMR and EHR applications at affordable prices. Sometimes, selecting the software matching to your practice can be challenging hence, some companies may offer free trial of these software. This can help you to understand how worth the product is. Moreover, make sure the company is offering you a 24x7 technical support to immediately fix up the problem in case of crash.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Healthcare Smartphone Apps Bring Healthcare Tips on your Palm

Facing any health issue? Not feeling well?

Don’t worry; let your smartphone help you!

Heyee! Don’t get surprised here or let a big question mark appear on your face.

It’s not a novel thing now as thousands of smartphone users do this, and many more to add to this every day. Hence, developers at host of software companies are busy in creating more and more healthcare applications each day. With these healthcare apps for smartphones our phones have turned into portable healthcare tools.

This has made healthcare market to see dramatic growth in the year 2011. 2012 is also depicting the same graph. It was predicted that the market for healthcare smartphone applications will be up to around US$ 1.3 billion this year which was recorded US$ 718 million in 2011.

There are a variety of healthcare apps in the market for smartphone applications. Some of them offer healthcare advices and related information on a number of topics and issues such as how and where to find a doctor for specific issue, how to treat an emergency health trouble, find the location of hospital or dispensary, get exercise instructions and much more.

Having a quick and easy access to manage and diagnose your health issues through your smartphone will of course help you gain and maintain better health learning more about your medical challenges.

Following are the few of thousand healthcare smartphone apps:

Pre-Pregnancy and Pregnancy Apps for your Smartphone: You can find a number of apps to manage a healthy pregnancy or pre-pregnancy if you are pregnant now or expect to be pregnant in the future. You can find plenty of great apps to help you manage a healthy pregnancy or pre-pregnancy.

Smartphone Applications for Mental Health: If you are feeling depressed and wonder if you need to see a counsellor or therapist, various smartphone apps for mental health will help you.

Best Health and Fitness Apps for Smartphone: You can learn a lot from smartphone apps created for fitness as fitness is one of the most popular categories of smartphone apps. It helps you learn about heart rates and walking tours, even to measure your footsteps and mileage.

‘How to Manage your Child's Health’ Apps for Parents: These apps help all the parents to keep an eye on the titbits regarding kids’ healthcare. Right from well-baby visits to updated vaccinations to sports, physical exams; everything you can find an application for.

Healthcare Smartphone Apps for Pets: Yes, even your cutie puppy or naughty pussy cat can get in on the action. You can get many Smartphone Apps for your Pets’ healthcare.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Friday, June 15, 2012

Hospital Revenue Cycle Management Streamlines Administrative Costs

With the world witnessing development, costs of various products and services are growing dramatically. If we peep into the healthcare industry, we can see the costs for healthcare is increasing leaps and bounds. Moreover, the administrative costs in hospitals and healthcare systems are going up significantly. The policies and circumstances in the on-going dynamic world of patient admissions are changing frequently.

To reduce the cost for healthcare, while improving the quality of care for patients, has become the need of the hour and also the challenge for a number of Healthcare companies. The growing demand for medical services is of course inviting the financial challenges. In these regards, it has been stated by the American Hospital Association that around 60 percent of hospitals in the United States of America incur loses for providing necessary patient care. Apart from this, healthcare providers lose approximately $60 billion per year only due to registration errors.

In this regard, the researchers at Harvard Medical School and Public Citizen recently conducted a research and reported that in the year 2003, 31 percent of $1.3 trillion outplayed for healthcare in the US was devoted only to administrative paperwork.

To overcome all these issues, a number of technology initiatives are being taken throughout the healthcare industry. Healthcare revenue cycle management is an outcome of continued efforts taken to streamline administrative costs in the healthcare industry. Key administrative components right from creating patient’s medical bills, submitting, analysing, and ultimately paying them would be focused in Healthcare revenue cycle management.

This phenomenon is considered as a novel weapon in the hospitals and healthcare systems to increase cash-flow. It offers following services:

• Situation Analysis - Objective operations valuation created to serve as the basis to chalk out necessary plans and take proper decisions.

• Operations Action Plans - The Plan of Action is something very necessary and is a proprietary service.

• Implementation Assistance – You can have the additional “horsepower” and experience, while implementing certain planned activities.

In addition to above all, development of policies and procedures with present customized training programs, to design reporting packages as well as to provide conversion assistance are fulfilled under healthcare revenue cycle management in order to meet specific needs of any organization offering healthcare.

There are a number of software companies, which offer clinical and financial connectivity solutions such as hospital and healthcare revenue cycle management in order to facilitate hospitals and the other healthcare systems to organize and improve their data management procedure. So that, they can see improved financial performances through:

• Augmented cash-flow

• Enriched patient satisfaction with better financial services and healthcare advancement

• Lesser bad debt expense

• Reduced operating and medication cost

• Better productivity

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Revenue Management Applications To Help You Manage Revenue

“Rainmaker, a leading international B2B solutions provider recently announced a three-year contract for Training Revenue Management Applications with a new client, Aruba Networks. Aruba Networks is a leading next-generation network access solutions provider for the mobile enterprise.”

The Revenue Management Applications, which is abbreviated as RMA, is a new pricing analysis and decision support tool that helps companies or organizations manage complete contract-to-cash processes.

Revenue Management Applications offer more efficient and accurate contract-to-cash processes with accounting results. These applications are considered as the most advanced revenue tactics that are the key for maximizing revenue opportunity of the business.

Revenue Management Application is an up-to-date information provider tool that helps you inform your pricing. It’s an easy-to-use desktop application that offers hundreds of variables to manage revenue.

Moreover, it helps businesses to make decisions regarding at what particular time the prices should be increased, when to announce discounts or offers, and how to rescale house to optimize revenue. This application allows tracking overall sales trends of the particular business and offers insights from price analysis, also the capacity data analysis. In addition to all these, when and how the service was sold, in how much time, how many times, at how much of a discount, etc. can be tracked through this application.

Revenue Management Application provides best solutions to streamline contract-to-cash processes of the organizations dealing in various domains. For instance, travel and hospitality industries are witnessing growing profits by bringing balance in demands and prices through Revenue Management Applications.

Airline reservation system is the best place where we can see Revenue Management Applications being used prominently. Since, the airline reservation systems are where the flight tickets are often offered at cheaper rates if you book those well in advance, and are very expensive when you buy them at the last moment.

Moreover, some of the software companies are developing this application for arts and cultural sector too as revenue management is a niche area.

Offering automated and configurable processes for contract management, revenue recognition, and billing schedules Revenue Management Applications aid a 360 cross-functional view of customers improving their level of satisfaction.

Moreover, it accelerates cash flow at your cash counters and so, allows your organization to run with more productivity cutting down the risk of errors in financial results. Revenue Management Applications contribute to grow profits of the hotel.

It has been experienced that the Revenue Management Applications have offered substantial contribution in elevating the revenue by around 3-7 percent in just few couple of years. They offer innovative functionalities, which notify more effective pricing strategy and enable efficient monitoring of revenue management strategies. Revenue Management Applications convert techniques into software solutions, which can be experienced daily by organisations themselves.

A number of software companies are there which will help you with the Revenue Management Applications development.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Friday, June 1, 2012

Effective Uses of Chat Software

With increasing number of technologies, everything is going to be digital. Most of the devices, which we use in our day to day life such as electronic gadgets, communication devices of course have technical base. Various modes of communications that we are prominently using these days include mobile phones, e-mails, live chats, etc. and each one has its own advantage.

Similarly, instant messenger is also found very useful, especially, for online business and personal communication. Due to this, online chatting has achieved considerable popularity and recognition, as it facilitates friends, relatives, colleagues to stay in touch with each other any time around the globe. Moreover, business websites can offer required assistance to their customers.

To have an instant personal or business chat, all you need to have is instant messenger.

Live chat software is messenger software just like Google or Yahoo messenger. But what makes it different from those messengers is that you have to incorporate it to your website. It is generally bundled with relevant accessories.

The chat software is very helpful for live support executives, webmasters to track real time website visitors. This software also helps outsourced chat operators to invite website visitors for online chatting. If the invitation is accepted by the visitor, both can have live chat session. Inversely, website visitors can also request for chat, if they have any queries regarding product or service provided by the particular website. In such cases, chat operator gets notification or sound alert for the chat request. After the chat request is accepted by support executives, visitor can ask his query.

In case you seek chat software for your business, it’s easily to incorporate it into business websites. You can get it done with help of software companies, which provide such software. It is considered as a best tool to boost the online sales and enhance the quality of customer service. The chat software allows you to offer customer service immediately. Although, e-mails and phones are also two modes that offer customer service, there may be the chances of getting late response in these two. This can be avoided using chat software, as it allows answering the queries raised by customer, instantly. The instant reply can build customer's confidence and trust in the business, which eventually helps to strengthen your relations with customers. If customers are satisfied with our services, obviously the sales volume will increase.

Having all these advantages, chat software is gaining tremendous popularity in online businesses. Various online businesses, where chat software plays key role is websites of real estate agents, web designers, web hosting companies, software companies, insurance companies, e-commerce websites, and many more. Due to heavy demands of chat software, many software companies are nowadays developing this software at a considerable rate. Thus, it is important for us to select best software company, which will provide bug free software.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Friday, May 25, 2012

Inventory Management Applications Help You Maintain Inventory Data

It was much before year 2000, when the barcodes and inventory management programs started gaining popularity through grocery stores and retail locations. To write inventory data by hand was not feasible. Hence, manual inventory management was less practical. But, when the computers started entering into the retail stores and the like places, scanning products replaced the practice of writing inventory data by hand. The inventory data was started scanning and inputting into a computer by hand.

But, since early 2000s putting inventory data manually into the computer was no more into the practice. As with the development of Inventory Management software the business people could directly update their database with barcode readers into the computer.

Inventory Management Applications are adopted by a number of companies as they reduce the carrying cost. This computer-based system that manages tracking product levels, orders, sales as well as deliveries helps business people to keep the track of products and parts during their transportation process. Transport from a vendor to a warehouse, between warehouses, and to a retail location, or directly from warehouse to a customer.

Moreover, Inventory Management Applications help businesses to maintain balance between too much and too little inventory, to receive items into warehouses or other required locations. And they make it easy to pick, pack and ship the items from a warehouse, maintain the track of product sales and inventory levels down on product desuetude and waste.

Manufacturing industry is also there where Inventory Management Applications are used to create a work order, to prepare bill of materials and other production-related documents. These applications help companies to avoid product overstock and outages.

Various components, such as, Barcoding, Order Management, Service Management, Asset Tracking, are involved in Inventory Management Software. All these components work together, to help many organizations control their systems, by creating a cohesive inventory and stocks.

All the four components carry a significant place in Inventory Management Applications:

Barcoding: A barcode reader reads barcodes and scans the information they represent. Hence, they are the medium to enter the data on products and orders into inventory management software.

Order Management: Inventory Management Software can be programmed according to the products’ volume. So that, if the product level goes down, the software would inform managers to reorder that product in order to avoid products’ shortage in the company.

Service Management: Service-oriented companies can track the cost of materials that are required to provide services through Inventory Management Applications. This helps them to cost their services.

Asset Tracking: Products stored in a warehouse or store can be tracked through its bar code or any other product tracking option like its serial number or revision number. Hence, asset tracking is also the major task, which has become easy on account of Inventory Management Applications.

A number of software companies are engaged in developing Inventory Management Applications that have become the non-integrated parts of retail industry. So, you can take help from any of the software companies to develop Inventory Management Applications for your company.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

EDI Programming Enables You To Meet The Terms At Higher Level

EDI, in a broad manner, Electronic data interchange is a secured way that allows us to exchange any kind of data or information through Internet. Briefly, it is the electronic well-thought-out data transmission between two organizations. Electronic documents or business data can be transferred using EDI Programming.

Through EDI Programming each type of business document from purchasing to shipping can be transmitted from one trading partner to another i.e. from one computer system to another system without any kind of human intervention. The information or documents such as bills of leading and even cheques can be replaced through EDI Programming. It is far more than just an e-mail.

Expediency of EDI Programming is making a number of software companies to provide implacable EDI solutions to their customers. smartData is one such dexterous software development house that offers affordable and result-oriented EDI Programming solutions.

We are one of the few software companies in India that is specializing in EDI Programming with business applications. At smartData we promise you reasonable and competitive pricing to develop EDI programming solutions as we have a team of experts having excellent qualifications and profound understanding on EDI.

We assure a high standard of service to our valuable clients and offer them careful attention in order to give detailed, consistent and close supervision to all phases of a project. Our influential staffs offer superb programming services to complement its EDI solutions.

EDI programming solutions developed at smartData includes business and logistic rules of your trading partner along with yours enabling you to totally comply at higher level.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Healthcare Claim Processing Cuts Administrative Costs Considerably

Things keep on changing as we move ahead.

Healthcare industry is one of the top industries which have become digitalized these days. For instance, healthcare claims have been started submitting electronically. And a number of software companies have started developing healthcare claims processing solutions.

Studies revealed that in the last decade the rate of submitting health insurance claims electronically has increased three fold compared to the traditional method of healthcare claims submissions.

It was found that the electronic submissions of healthcare claims cut down the administrative costs substantially as well as increase the processing rate of submitting healthcare claims. According to a survey, healthcare claims processing solution allows around 98 percent of medical claims to be processed within 30 days of receipt.

Due to all such significances, and as the health care providers, insurers and consumers are interested in the prompt and accurate payment of healthcare claims, the electronic submissions of healthcare claims are highly acclaimed and practiced.

smartData, one of the leading software companies in India, has a specialized team of professionals that offers highly integrated result-oriented healthcare claim processing solutions. We provide more efficient and unique medical solutions in a very cost-effective manner to our valuable clientele. There is a long list of customized healthcare solutions being provided by smartData.

We offer complete digital healthcare claims submissions, which also improves auto-adjudication rates and considerably reduces turnaround time.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Clinical Applications To Offer Computerized Support to Physicians

Clinical application is a computerized support system for physicians. This support system offers a quick and easy view of the patients’ information whenever and where-ever a physician requires. Through clinical application, physicians can order the entries of their patients along with their health records in order to prevent adverse drug events in long-term care.

This way, the physicians can have a single unique platform to use as well as to manage patients’ health records and offer them accurate and suitable care as-and-when they require. Computerized Physician Order Entry, abbreviated as CPOE, facilitates Physicians to make proper entries of the orders for any kind of lab test, diagnostic images, meds and other related services offered within the hospital settings.

It has been suggested that there are immense chances to improve the drug safety using CPOE with clinical decision support, which is abbreviated as CDS. Such improvements will prove helpful for long-term cases.

Physicians use clinical applications to enter prescriptions of patients, directly into their computer systems. Through this application an immediate feedback can be received about the clinically important information, which may help physicians to improve their prescribing decision.

For instance, if any physician enters an order for any required drug for such a patient who is already taking same kind of medication, the CDS system would show a warning nudge to the physician about the potential for over-sedation, confusion and falls. On the top of this, the system would also advice the physician about the requirement of evaluating each psychoactive medication. It will indicate the already prescribed medicines and will suggest to prescribe the lowest feasible dose of the new drug.

These days there are a number of software companies emerging, offering Clinical Applications. These software companies are coming up with the teams of experts developing clinical applications.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Go for Mobile SEO

As the earth keeps on revolving and rotating, we also keep on moving and don’t prefer stopping on any particular thing. We move further with the developing world. We always choose to go with the one that is updated and latest. In line with this, the online world is becoming mobile now. No one is left behind in getting involved into this popular trend of mobile web browsing.

Mobile Web browsers as well as smart phones have transformed the mobile world into the whole universe of online sites, advertising and marketing. Over 60 percent of the consumer base has started using mobile devises to search required products and services before any purchase.

This way, a mobile user same as a computer user, visits search engines when they want to search on the mobile internet for something required. Such a changing scenario forcefully asks businesses to consider mobile as a significant device of their overall marketing campaigns.

You are already using Google, Yahoo, Twitter and Facebook on mobile-web. These all are the most-used mobile search engines as of now.

More than this many other popular sites can also be accessed through mobile. Hence, many of us are already familiar with using mobile-enabled versions of various websites. There is a difference between computer-viewable sites and mobile-enabled versions of those websites. For instance, there are two versions of Google itself. The one that we see on the Internet and the other we find on the mobile Internet.

Hence, you need to create mobile-version of your site if you want all the internet users, using it through a computer, laptop or a mobile, to visit your site from search engines. This multi-featured compact device has a capability to drive substantial traffic to your website which leads to increase the revenue. Hence, your site should also acquire mobile visibility. And if your site goes mobile, you of course need to go for mobile Search Engine Optimization.

Now, you must have caught with the question that what is mobile SEO? And how can it be added to your existing web-pages?

Mobile SEO is what you need to do to bring the mobile versions of your sites on the top pages of search engines that work on mobiles. For this, first of all we need to ensure that your site definitely opens and available to mobile search engines, and then optimize the sites as per mobile search engine scans.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

iPhone Applications

Entry of Apple’s iPhones was a revolutionary incident in the world of high tech gadgets. It is the challenging task for mobile developers, and hence, not everybody’s cup of tea to attain client’s innovative requirements pertaining to the iPhone Application Development. Though each day a number of iPhone application developers are coming forth, there are very few iPhone apps developers who can actually provide what their clients ask for.

iPhone application development asks to have thorough understanding of iPhone SDK and Mac development as well as apps development skills using smart features such as touch screen, initiative interface, shaken sensor, accelerometer etc.

This high-tech and smart device has proved really as a magical device for many Businesses persons, corporate professionals and Individuals. Its flexibility feature for developing custom and innovative applications to facilitate the customer is its key factor that made this device to see success.

An expert team of iPhone apps developers at smartData provides resourceful solutions for all smart phone versions, be it an iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S. Development of World-class iPhone applications, such as Entertainment Applications, Sports/ Games Applications, Education Applications, Travel Applications, Medical Applications, is our specialty.

smartData’s creative consulting team of iPhone application developers have profound understanding and importance of developing highly aesthetic and functional iPhone Apps. As the iPhone applications market is continuously witnessing growing competition, the iPhone apps developers and user-centric mobile applications have become paramount in driving considerable results, which eventually draw significant return on investments.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Most Doctors Aren't Using EHR & EMR applications

Public hospitals in the United States of America are looking forward to get equipped with Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems in the recent years to come. This depicts the popularity and necessity of EMR application development. Implementation of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is considered to be a significant change for the hospitals, clinics, nursing homes etc. This application facilitates us the accessibility of charts, documents and related data anywhere we want. It helps to have updated as well as accurate computerized information and case details of patients.

Likewise, an Electronic Health Record (EHR) is also a developing concept, which is an orderly and accurate collection of patients’ health information in an automated form. As this record is in a digital format, it can be accessed or shared across various health care settings. EHR application contains a wide range of data including medical history, laboratory test results, demographics, medication and allergies, immunization status, radiology images, vital signs etc. Moreover, it also keeps track of patient’s personal information such as his or her age, weight, decease, treatment and billing information. EHR is, also, mentioned as personal health record (PHR).

The above two terms, which are considered as a practice management system, are often used interchangeably, though their difference can be mentioned. The EMR is the record of patients’ information created in hospitals. It can serve as a data source for EHR. Hence, EMR application development and EHR application development are evolving as the significant and essential software development for medical practice. EHR application helps to manage things like accounts and billing information of the patient, appointment schedule, eligibility verification, electronic claims and ERA and more. While, EMR application helps to improve the quality of healthcare making it safer.

A survey conducted regarding “the advantages of using electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records (EHRs)” reveals that these applications receive recognition for offering “greater legibility of notes.” They also facilitate better coordinations of treatment by more than one healthcare provider, which is the most valuable feature for healthcare practitioners.

These high-tech applications include video conferencing as well, which makes patient’s visit to the doctor easy. Under this application a patient can have video chat with his doctor and his video will be saved as a visit.

EMR application development and EHR application development are provided by a number of software development service providing companies due to its growing significance and usefulness. Though, there are many medical practitioners who are reluctant to use these applications.

The experts engaged in EMR application development and EHR application developments are continuously making efforts to bring innovations into these applications, which help moving healthcare forward.

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Smartphone Market Witnesses: Android apps Vs iPhone apps

‘How to play the guitar?’, now doesn’t ask you to go to the guitar classes, religiously. You can learn it now in the free time you get between your busy and tight scheduled routine.

Enjoy learning guitar on your Apple’s smartphone with the latest iPhone application, ‘Strumify’. This iPhone app wants to teach people ‘How to play the guitar’, using device's microphone to listen to the playing and provide feedback. This is an app that will allure all the music lovers. It also teaches chords and progressions with ukulele and mandolin players.

Likewise, get valuable information like day length, sun rise & sun set, golden hour, twilight and many others about any particular place or area, on your smartphone.

‘SunPhos’ is an Android application, which allows you to get all the above information on your cell phone. The app graphically foretells sun path right from the dusk to dawn, on any day, at any place. Also, you can get information regarding which is or when is the golden hour, and know about twilight of any location on any given day.

All such apps give you different experience of using smartphones. They help you gain knowledge, information along with offering entertainment.

The smartphone market is flooded with such apps, which are being developed at Apple’s and Google’s apps store under iPhone application development and Android application development, respectively. There is always an “Android apps vs. iPhone apps” scenario in the smartphones market regarding amount, quality, variety, user-friendliness, benefits, security etc.

In the market of smartphones, Apple’s iPhone is the first phone that brought life into the world of mobile applications. It was followed by Android smartphones launched by Google in the year 2008. This launch was mentioned as the new horizon of smartphone’s competitive market.

If we talk about the number of Android applications, there are over 450,000 Android applications available on Google Play as of now. This number is of course going to multiply at a fast pace in the days coming.

The smartphone market is witnessing big competitions as well as comparisons between iPhone apps and Android apps.

• Android applications have been criticized for security issues. There are few common accusations against Android apps that there are more viruses & malware apps in Google’s apps store than that of Apple’s Apps Stores.

• Moreover, it has been observed that Apple’s iPhone apps access personal data without asking user’s permission the way it should be. While on the other hand, Android apps generally seek permission for accessing user’s personal data as well as phone features.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Keeping Track of Google Algorithm Updates Helps SEO

“I don’t have any idea about the suitable flight schedule, need to Google it!”

“If you don’t know the correct address, you should Google it!”

“What? You don’t know the history of this author? You must Google it!”

Aren’t above all quotes kind of similar ones, which we hear or say usually?

The word “Google” has become the synonym of word “Search” for all of us as it is the most popular and acknowledged search engine.

Enormous online businesses depend on Google Algorithm to broaden their horizons as it is the phenomenon that determines process and criteria to rank a webpage on Google. In the other words, it is the set of rules that regulates how the webpage of a particular site will rank in this search giant. If the phrase ‘SEO Services’ is searched, the Google Algorithm will decide which SEO Services provider website should be placed where.

This makes it crucial for each online business or Blogger to keep updates about Google Algorithm or to keep track of the changes brought by Google in its Search Algorithm.

Google is such a search engine that makes changes into its algorithm quite frequently. Every year, it has been changed around 600 times. Most of these changes are minor. Google rolls out bigger algorithmic updates in the particular interval of few months as well. To overcome the hassle of spammers and black hat SEO technique is the key reason behind this.

Query Encryption, Panda 3.3, caffeine update, Expanded Sitelinks, Pagination Elements, 516 Algo Updates are few among the list of major Google Algorithmic updates. Considerable understanding on all these Google Algo updates offers great help with Search Engine Optimization.

‘Google panda’ update is considered as the most noticeable Google Algo update happened in past couple of years. It has brought revolution in the world of Search Engine Optimization. It affected a considerable percentage of search engine results, posing few positive as well as negative effects, last year when it was launched.

‘Google freshness’ update was another big Google Algorithm change or can be mentioned as the challenge for SEO Services providing companies, last year. It helped new and updated webpages to get top ranking.

Providers of SEO Services need to keep track of such a frequently changing Google’s Search Algorithm to offer result-oriented Search Engine Optimization. Though the experts in Search Engine Optimization able to gain knowledge on anything coming new into the Google Algorithm, it gets hard-hitting each time with the sudden new happenings into it. Google makes Search Engine Optimization task quite tough for the SEO Services provider, bringing rapid updations.

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Web-Giants Stage Demonstrations Against SOPA & PIPA

There was news all over the web in the month of January this year about one-day service blackout observed by English Wikipedia, Reddit and around 7,000 other small websites. Wikipedia’s banner for blackout was viewed by more than 160 million people. On January 18, outside the offices of U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), hordes of protesters staged demonstrations against SOPA and PIPA, in the New York City, USA.

Moreover, Google had collected signatures of over 7 million people and held a rally in the New York City asking to boycott companies, which support SOPA and PIPA.

SOPA is the acronym of Stop Online Piracy Act, while PIPA stands for Protect IP Act. Both these acts are for foreign websites, which infringe copyrighted web-contents. Both are associated commonly with media privacy and have provided two methods to conquer copyright infringement on foreign websites.

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) is a United States Bill that was introduced with a view to overcome online trafficking in copyrighted counterfeit goods and intellectual property. Under the act, court orders can be requested to curb advertising networks and online payment facilities from doing business with restricted websites and to limit the Search Engines from linking to those websites. Moreover, the U.S. Department of Justice could seek court orders demanding Internet service providers to block the domain names of the infringing websites.

PIPA (Protect IP Act) is the similar kind of Senate bill. Here, IP stands for Intellectual Property. This bill is for Intellectual Properties, such as, music, movies or the web-text that can be easily copied and transmitted anywhere online without doing any payment to the creators, in the today’s digital age. Such practices are posing threat to the businesses of a number of Hollywood studios, many music publishers and others.

The web giants, such as Google, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Reddit, protested against these legislations saying that they would bound to act as an online police due to these two bills. Further, they will be considered responsible, as per the bills, if their users link to the pirated contents.

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), among the two acts, is the more extreme bill though both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate bills are similar. SOPA is for foreign infringing sites that are committing or facilitating copyright infringement. However, PIPA is only for the websites that have no significant use than copyright infringement.

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HIPAA Implementation Supports Nation's Health Care System

I am a creature of habit. How many of you are not?

I guess the answer would probably be ‘No One’. As everybody knows it better that each one of us is a creature of habit for some or the other thing. And it becomes difficult for us to change our habits. Though we know that acquiring new things by leaving our since-long habits make us more productive and offer us a qualitative approach for our work, we become reluctant to change our habits for doing things.

Same is the case with Doctors. As none of us are in favour of change a number of times, Doctors’ reluctance for change has become a prime reason for why they are not taking on EHR application. EMR application and EHR application makes practice management systems easy in healthcare industry. EMR application improves patient health care records in terms of quality and accuracy.

Advanced EMR application development and EHR application development help healthcare practitioners to maintain patient records with ease as well as keep track of their health insurances. Moreover, it prevents the protected health information from being accessed by unauthorized sources.

In tandem with this, HIPAA Implementation also proves as a great help in regulating and maintaining health insurances and electronic medical records. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which was enacted in the year 1996 by the United State Congress and was signed by the then President Mr. Bill Clinton, offers solutions for the issues within the medical field. HIPPA addresses two distinct issues within the healthcare industry. Title I of HIPAA regulates health insurance coverage for employees and their families at the time they leave their company. Title II of HIPAA, addresses privacy, security and quality standards for electronic medical records (EMR).

Are you still loath to HIPAA Implementation?

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

What EMR & EHR applications do?

• Greater and easy accessibility of healthcare records
• More exact and up-to-date patient information
• Enriched coordination of treatment by multiple healthcare providers
• Easy accessibility to run statistical measures and reports of the patients

Above all are some of the many benefits that are availed by medical practitioners who are equipped with Electronic Medical Record (EMR) application as well as Electronic Health Record (EHR) application. These are the practice management systems, which prove helpful in keeping patients’ records updated and accurate. EMR application makes patients’ accounts, billing, medicine, treatment, visiting records easy. These applications move health care forward.

EHR application development and EMR application development are conducted for the institutions such as hospitals, clinics, and at the offices of physicians, health care providers, medical employers, insurers who access to a patient's medical records. These practice management systems help people engaged in healthcare industry to maintain long and years-ago data in an automated form. These are also proved excellent in offering teaching and training to the residents as well as students.

There are a number of software companies, which offer EMR application development and EHR application development helping hospitals, clinics, physicians, health care providers, and medical employers etc. to maintain patients’ records. These applications also move healthcare industry forward. Further improvements and innovations are being done in the EMR application development and the EHR application developments in order to make the things easier.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Enjoy Loads of Android & iPhone Applications

“Android OS on iPhone!”
- was the breaking news, in the world of smartphone applications.

This is something that gives you pleasure of operating both, Android applications as well as iPhone applications, together. This is a smart opportunity to enjoy a number of brilliant iPhone apps and Android apps, offered by an iPhone hacker installing Google’s Android Mobile OS on the iPhone.

Such an advancement was quoted in the news as “this is the very first time in the history of smartphone applications that someone managed to install a non-Apple OS on Apple’s iPhone.”

Implications of such an innovation are considered absolutely huge.
If we talk solely about iPhone apps, there are loads of apps being successfully developed by the experts in iPhone application development.

• iPhone eBooks Application Development
• iPhone Catalogue Application Development
• iPhone Business Application Development
• iPhone Enterprise Application Development

- are some of the major iPhone apps development services being provided by the application development companies.

On the other hand, a number of software as well as hardware mobile packages have been offered by the Google and its android applications development.
Android applications development, for the first time was appeared in HTC mobiles. However, now many handsets are using this platform for various applications, offering entertainment, knowledge and information.

Below are few of the many services based on Android platform offered by the companies, mostly:

• Android Business Application Development
• Android compatible Mobile Website Development
• Android Enterprise Application Development
• 1.5, 1.5, 2.1 and 2.2 SDK Compatible Android Application

Users can take advantage of various business and information Android apps through the Android applications development to multiply their businesses by many folds.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Register for Google Code Jam 2012

Do you aspire to be the “Code Jam Champion, 2012”?

If yes, register yourself and mark your calendars. The qualification round is going to start on April 13, 2012.

You must have caught into the whirlpool of many questions reading this. It’s a worldwide programming competition whose winner will be crowned by the title “Code Jam Champion, 2012”.

Google Code Jam” is the programming competition conducted by Search Giant ‘Google’ to find the best engineering talent for prospective engagement with the company. This competition can be attended using any programming language and development environment to solve algorithmic puzzles. It is the set of algorithmic problems, which should be solved in a particular time frame. Google Code Jam that began in the year 2003 brings hordes of professional and student programmers across the world, together.

Registration for Google Code Jam 2012 has been opened on March 13, 2012. The qualification round is scheduled to be conducted on April 13, followed by three online rounds in subsequent months. The top 25 candidates who will qualify all these stages of competition will invited to the Google’s office at New York, wherein a final round will be conducted on July 25, 2012. So, this is the time to gear up for getting into the world’s biggest programming competition and take up a chance of winning $10,000.

Last year, the competition saw over 30,000 competitors solving tough and complex algorithmic puzzles, which was won by Japan’s Makoto Soejima.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Search Engine Dominant Changes its Privacy Policy

Has anyone experienced the recent major happening in the world of internet?

Google, the web giant has brought big changes in its Privacy Policy. Have you noticed?

The most popular Search Engine has merged privacy policies of around 60 of its services, such as Gmail, Google+ and You Tube, into a single privacy policy. Such an updation in the web world has been carried out to streamline and improve the Google experience of its users.

Under the new privacy policy, Google will share its collected information with each of its services to get exact knowledge on which sort of sites users are interested in and the kind of information they seek. Also, to better understand how they spend their time surfing internet.

This has made big changes into operations of the Search Engine dominant.

On the other side, this change will help websites to get easy information about the number of visits, and also the time they spent on it. This of course, helps to know how user-friendly as well as search engine-friendly the particular website is. This, as a result, forces websites to go for result-oriented Search Engine Optimization.

A number of companies provide best SEO services offering good Search Engine Optimization results. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a phenomenon, which analyses algorithms fixed by search engines as well as visitors’ behaviour in order to improve the ranking of websites on major search engines.

Availing quality SEO services from expert SEO services providers has become easy these days due to mounting needs for proper and effective Search Engine Optimization.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Monday, March 12, 2012

‘Google Play’ takes on Apple’s ‘iTunes store’

Google’s online mobile applications store, which we knew as Android market, is to be known as ‘Google Play’ now.

Consolidating various sites and android apps under ‘Google Play’, Google is offering an easier way to manage entertainment and information. It is Google’s place, where you can find and store eBooks, movies, music and android apps.

It has drawn comparisons to Apple’s highly successful iTunes store. Analysts name this happening as an expected move saying this is a logical activity for Google to do after Apple’s iTunes Model.

‘Google Play’ and ‘iTunes’ are become amazing places to get eBooks, music and movies with android applications and iPhone applications, respectively. These are the smart places to enjoy finding a number of brilliant iPhone apps and Android apps.
If we talk solely about iPhone apps, there are loads of apps being successfully developed by the experts in iPhone application development.

• iPhone eBooks Application Development
• iPhone Catalogue Application Development
• iPhone Business Application Development
• iPhone Enterprise Application Development

- are some of the major iPhone apps development services being provided by the application development companies.

On the other hand, a number of software as well as hardware mobile packages have been offered by the Google and its android applications development.

Android applications development, for the first time was appeared in HTC mobiles. Now many handsets are using this platform. Below are few of the many services based on Android platform offered by the companies, mostly:

• Android Business Application Development
• Android compatible Mobile Website Development
• Android Enterprise Application Development
• 1.5, 1.5, 2.1 and 2.2 SDK Compatible Android Application

Users can take advantage of various business and information Android apps through the Android applications development to multiply their businesses by many folds.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at

Friday, March 2, 2012

smartData Enterprises

smartData Enterprises ( is an IT consulting company providing end-to-end consulting for global clients. smartData has partnered with several startups to SME in building their next generation information infrastructure for competitive advantage. smartData portfolio of services includes legacy application maintenance, large application development, e-strategy consulting and solutions. Our solutions focus on addressing business and technology challenges for customers across multiple industries. The offshore Model of the company leverages talent and infrastructure to provide high quality, rapid time-to-market solutions with the usual benefit of cost arbitrage without affecting the quality.

With an excellent track record of delivering more than 300 small to large projects, smartData has been able to maintain its focus on high end technology platforms and delivering solutions in the areas of healthcare, real estate, social networking, Web 2.0 and web based database driven applications. Our structured, project execution methodologies further enhance our ability to consistently deliver best of breed solutions to our clients. smartData is one of the very few companies in the world to be equivalent of CMMI3 accreditation for software process improvement standards.

smartData Enterprises (I) Ltd. is one of the top service providers on Elance (one of the top 3 players on Elance) and Odesk (Top 1 on Odesk). We are the team of more than 500 developers and 96 highly skilled SEO/SEM/SMM analysts and link builders. Each of them is expert and possesses 3+ years of experience in their respective domains.

Being a CMMI 3 (Next to ISO Certification) company, we have a process oriented approach which ultimately reflects in our quality.

For more information Visit or Write to smartData Enterprises at
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